The ANYFION project was started with the goal of
directly marketing the organic oranges and olive oil
from the farm of Christos and Chrisoula Stergiou
in Anifi, Greece.


The project saw early success with the export of olive
products in 2011/12, followed by the first samples of
oranges exported to Switzerland in January 2013. These
oranges opened the door at gebana AG and Biohof
Fluofeld, the fresh fruit collaboration became an
immediate success story and turned into long-term
partnership with ANYFION.


In October 2015 the Greek based company ANYFION
was founded. The founding principles were simple:

  • Pay fair prices to producers.
  • Export high-quality organic products.
  • Highlight the unique regional attributes of these products.
  • Increase customer familiarity with agricultural processes.
  • Encourage other producers to join for mutual benefit.


In November 2017, ANYFION started collaborating
with MIDER Fruit for fresh fruit packaging, who built a
new packaging unit to accommodate ANYFION’s needs.


While the early years were marked with part time
employments, in summer 2019, George Stergiou
became the first full-time employee. In April 2020,
the AgriShop (formerly the Organic Agricultural
Center) was established, offering consulting and
agricultural supplies to organic producers in Argolida.


Also in 2020, ANYFION transformed into a Société
Anonyme, with gebana acquiring a 20% stake,
solidifying their partnership. The team has since
continued to grow, with new members supporting
various aspects of the business now accounting for 10


ANYFION’s core motivation is to ensure economic,
social, and environmental sustainability in Argolida’s
citrus sector. Over the years, ANYFION has
transformed local trade practices, set market prices
for organic exports, introduced timely payment
practices for farmers, and improved working
conditions for harvest workers.

Together with our customers and producers we want to Lead Greece’s sustainable and trade transformation.